The Golden Circle highlights

Ethiopia: A Country That Almost Made Me Like Coffee

Ethiopia: A Country That Almost Made Me Like Coffee

There are moments in life that redefine you. Like the first time you ride a bicycle, the first time you travel alone, or—if you’re me—the first time you taste coffee in Ethiopia and still don’t like it. Yes, despite all the reverence surrounding Ethiopian coffee,...

Why I am visiting every country in the world?

Why I am visiting every country in the world?

Why I’m Visiting Every Country in the World: The Witty, Intelligent Manifesto Some people dream of buying a house with a white picket fence. Others dream of retiring early to sip margaritas on a beach. Me? I dream of standing on every patch of land this planet has to...

Our Monthly Menu

Our Monthly Menu

We plan our menu for each month. This way we spend less each month on food and less food is wasted <3

My 2021 Goals

My 2021 Goals

Location Independence started as a dream, turned into a goal and is now a reality.

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